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Let's Discuss Marine Sourced Collagen


Collagen is a protein that is found in the body. It makes up skin, tendons, ligaments and bones. When we are young our bodies produce plenty of collagen so we don’t need to take any supplements. But as we get older our bodies produce less collagen so it can result in wrinkles, thinning skin, dry hair and brittle nails. There are many types of collagens. The two most common types of collagen available: marine sourced and bovine sourced. The latter being the most popular due to its price and availability, but studies show that fish-based collagen has more benefits than bovine based collagen one due to its purity levels allowing for a brighter skin glow.

Marine-sourced collagen has a very low molecular weight 1000-3000 Dalton, which allows easy absorption in the bloodstream.

Let's talk about molecular weight. It's a measure of the size of a molecule, and it can be measured in Daltons (the unit for molecular weight). The lower the molecular weight of a substance, the smaller its molecules are. The smaller your molecules are, the easier it is for them to be absorbed by the body. This has great implications for collagen supplementation because marine sourced collagen has a very low molecular weight 1000-3000 Dalton, which allows easy absorption in the bloodstream. Opticoll’s Marine Collagen size is 920 Dalton.

Marine sourced collagen is easily absorbed by the body, with no side effects.

You might know that collagen is a protein which makes up one-third of your body's connective tissue. Collagen is also found in bones, skin, blood vessels, tendons and cartilage. It helps keep skin firm and youthful looking by providing structure to the skin cells' elastic fibers. As we age, collagen levels drop — leading to wrinkling and sagging skin.

There are many ways you can increase your intake of collagen-boosting foods like yogurt or green vegetables with meals or snacks. But there's another option: marine sourced collagen supplements! Marine sourced collagen supplements are made from fish scales that have been broken down into powder form so they can be easily digested by your body. This unique combination has a number of benefits over its plant-based cousins including being easily absorbed by the body without any side effects (such as bloating!). Plus, it's also high in protein—making this product an excellent choice for those looking for an alternative source of nutrients such as minerals like magnesium or iodine needed for healthy bones and joints.

Studies have shown that marine derived bovine and marine sourced collagen supplements provide significant improvements in hair growth and in reducing hair loss.

For years, there have been studies that show that marine-sourced biotin and collagen supplements are effective in:

● Hair growth

● Reducing hair loss

● Skin care (wrinkles and acne)

● Nail care (fungus, nails breaking too easily)

The intake of collagen from fish instead of cowhide greatly improves the condition of nail ridges, dry or chapped lips, acne scars, etc.

Fish collagen is absorbed by the body much more easily than cowhide collagen. You can also use fish skin gelatine in cosmetics, hair care products, and as a dietary supplement.

The intake of collagen from fish instead of cowhide greatly improves the condition of nail ridges, dry or chapped lips, acne scars, etc.


Marine sourced collagen is a great alternative for people who avoid meat. You don't have to miss out on collagen supplementation, just because you don't eat meat from cows or red meats.

There is a lot of information about collagen and fish sourced collagen. We have tried to cover all the most important things about this supplement here, but if you want more information or want to know more about our product contact us or click on the link below to order your own Opticoll Collashot Pure Marine Collagen!

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