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Vegan Collagen

No need for vegan "collagen boosters" anymore.


Pepwell™ - Pharmaceutical Grade, Premium, First True Vegan Collagen.

Exclusive to Opticoll.

Swiss Chard
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The Story


Welcome to the new green next-generation of advanced collagen. 


Pharamceutical Grade. First True Vegan Collagen - Pepwell™ Vegan Collagen is the result of many years of research and development. 


Pepwell™ collagen is produced by a strain of pichia pastoris fermented yeast. 100% animal-free collagen for application in beauty, functional foods and sports nutrition products, with highlights as follows:


- Origin: Animal free / Vegan- friendly / Yeast-fermented 
- Quality: Pharmaceutical grade / Highly purified / Consistency guaranteed
- Safety: No viral risk / No allergenicity
- Claims: Non-GMO / Allergy-free / Vegan certified 
  Halal certified/Gluten-Free

  Certified Vegan


Scientifically proven to be 20 x more effective than animal-derived collagens the trademarked ingredient Pepwell has a recommended dose of only 500mg per day. (2 Capsules)


GRAS panel statement (FDA):


Pepwell™ Collagen is a purified source of collagen (≥90% collagen), which has an extensive history of safe consumption in the human diet. Collagen is a common constituent of the human diet as it is naturally present in meat and meat products. Pepwell™ Collagen shares structural similarity to collagen obtained from bovine and poultry sources based on the results of FTIR and circular dichroism spectroscopy, as well as sequence homology based on in silico searches of the amino acid sequences of the protein.


Furthermore, the repeating “X-Y-Gly” sequences produce a tertiary structure that is highly similar to other collagens. It is expected to share similar physico-chemical properties and to be digested in a manner similarto other dietary sources of collagen following ingestion.


At the request of the manufacturer a panel of independent scientists (the “GRAS Panel”), qualified by their relevant national and international experience and scientific training to evaluate the safety of food ingredients, was convened to evaluate data and information forming the basis for the manufacturers conclusion that the use of type III collagen (trade name: Pepwell™ Collagen), produced by a genetically modified (GM) strain of Pichia pastoris, is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) as an ingredient in baked goods and baking mixes, beverages and beverage bases, and processed vegetables and vegetable juices at levels up to 62%.  For the purpose of the GRAS Panel’s evaluation, “safe” or “safety” indicates that there is a reasonable certainty of no harm under the intended conditions of use of the ingredient in foods, as stated in 21 CFR §170.3(i) (U.S. FDA, 2020a).

The GRAS Panel consisted of the below-signed qualified scientific experts: Professor Joseph Baumert (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Professor Emeritus George C. Fahey Jr. (University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign), and Professor Emeritus Glen Sipes (University of Arizona).  The GRAS Panel was selected and convened in accordance with the United States (U.S.) Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Guidance for Industry: Best Practices for Convening a GRAS Panel (U.S. FDA, 2017).  The manufacturer ensured that all reasonable efforts were made to identify and select a balanced GRAS Panel with expertise in food safety, toxicology, and microbiology.  Efforts were placed on identifying conflicts of interest or relevant “appearance issues” that could potentially bias the outcome of the deliberations of the GRAS Panel; no such conflicts of interest or appearance issues were identified.  The GRAS Panel received an honorarium as compensation for their time; the honorarium provided to the GRAS Panel was not contingent upon the outcome of their deliberations.  

The GRAS Panel, independently and collectively, critically evaluated a comprehensive package of all publicly available scientific data and information compiled from a comprehensive search of the scientific literature conducted by the manufacturer, which included all available scientific data and information, both favorable and unfavorable, relevant to the safety of the intended food uses of Pepwell™ Collagen.  The data evaluated by the GRAS Panel included information on the identity and purity of Pepwell™ Collagen and production organism, method of manufacture, product specifications, batch analyses and analytical data, stability data, intended conditions of use, estimated intakes based on intended conditions of use, and a summary of the available scientific information and data pertinent to the safety of Pepwell™ Collagen, including the safety of the production organism.


Therefore, the history of safe consumption of collagen can be extended to support the safety of Pepwell™ Collagen.




The Science

Test: Anti-oxidant enzymes (CAT,GSH,SOD) , Total antioxidant capacity(T-AOC) and Oxidation products(MDA) tested.

Result: Pepwell™ (RHC) sequence and structure can outperform animal derived collagen at a dosage of 1/20 of the animal derived collagen in antioxidant efficacy.


Test: TIMPs, MMPS, COLIA2, COL3AI proteins’ content tested.

Result: Pepwell™ (RHC) sequence and structure supplementation can effectively regulate cell-matrix homeostasis and decrease MMPS by increasing TIMP-1. It also increases the expression of fibrous COLIA2, COL3AI proteins and increases protein synthesis.


Test: Anti-wrinkle.

Result: Supplementing with a Pepwell™ (RHC) sequence and structure significantly reduced wrinkles by 29.3%.


Test: Collagen Content boost.

Result: Supplementing with a Pepwell™ (RHC) sequence and structure significantly increased collagen content by 19.94%.


Test: Anti-Lipofuscin / pigments.

Result: Supplementation with a Pepwell™ (RHC) sequence and structure significantly reduced age pigments by 39%.


Test: Water content.

Result: Supplementing with Pepwell™ (RHC) sequence and structure significantly hydrated the skin by 17.5%.


Test: Hyaluronic acid content.

Result: Supplementing with a Pepwell™ (RHC) sequence and structure increased the hyaluronic acid content by 3.1%, with a dosage of 1/20 times of animal derived collagen.


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